This time of year is perfect for many outdoor activities, especially if you are experiencing these activities with your pets. It is always super fun to go enjoy a fun activity with your pet or just play in your backyard, but summer is also the time of year where there are so many things your pet can get into. That’s why it is important to have a local veterinarian in the Kimberly, Wisconsin area like Animal Medical Center. Here are a few reasons to choose the veterinarians at Animal Medical Center:
Knowledgeable staff – Each of the veterinarians at Animal Medical Center has been working here for over 10 years and some are going on 20 years plus. That’s because we offer a great working environment and service some of the best pet owners and their lovely pets in the Kimberly area.
Wide range of animal care – Each staff member is trained to work on many different animals and handle a wide range of cases. We service a wide range of animals including dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, small mammals, guinea pigs, gerbils, and hamsters. If you aren’t sure if we can take care of your animal just give us a call and ask! There aren’t many pets in the Kimberly area that our highly trained veterinarians can’t handle!
Thorough examination – Even just routine check-ups are a big deal for us just like your best friend is a big deal to you. We treat your animals like family here at Animal Medical Center. Each examination we check your pets’ ears, eyes, skin, weight, teeth, and heart, and lungs. We want your animal to be healthy and happy brightening the Kimberly, Wisconsin area for years to come.
We would love to see your pet for an examination and help keep them in the best condition they can be in. Come to us for any of your animal needs for the Kimberly, Wisconsin area.
Call us at Animal Medical Center, we are here to help answer any pet questions you might have. We serve pets in the Kimberly, and the surrounding areas. Call 920-749-1717 or visit us at the Animal Medical Center of Appleton.